
Building Power

Building Power was a fellowship at Richmond LAND that I co-coordinated, first with Sunny Graham and then with Dulce Galicia.

Building Power (2019) supported a cohort of Richmond area residents to design, research and bring to life community development and housing project concepts that serve low-income residents of color. The cohort advance, clarify and envision these projects through arts and cultural activities, and events that reflect low-income communities of color’s right to stay and live affordably in West Contra Costa County. In Phase II (2020/21) we advanced two concepts into the development phase. Richmond LAND is continuing to work on one of these, now known as the North Richmond EcoVillage.

In addition to the project concepts, key outcomes from 2019 included:

2019-2020 Building Power Fellows: Kapris James, Brandy Khansouvong, Alfonso Leon, Princess Robinson, Jenny Rougeau,  Sary Tatpaporn.

2019-2020 Partner Organizations: Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Rich City Rides, Urban Tilth